Monday, March 2, 2009

Give Me Strength...

Father help me...

I ain't having the best of all days...

I can't carry on alone Father...

Be with me now Father...

Holy Spirit, my comforter, please come and comfort me as You always do...

Lord, remind me once again of Your love and suffering You had to endure, and how mine is nothing compared to Yours...

Father, please send Your angels once again to camp around me, to shield me fromthe fiery arrows of the evil one...

Father, send the physical angels that protect me, the friends that comfort me when i'm falling down...

Help me to look at the beauty of life and everything good that You created...

And Father, most of all I ask...

Be with me...

Give me strength...


1 comment:

Hexen Ong said...

In the name of JESUS, Amen!! =)