Saturday, November 29, 2008
Final day of ICPU 27-11-08
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
好朋友!!! (Gud frens...)
1. It has something to do with Charles Darwin and...
2. There is such a thing as GOOGLE!!!
So okay after you took some time off to google out Fitzroy and admire the photograph, time for me to talk a little about my group... (Thx 4 helping us take photographs, photographer!!! :P)
On the left (in PINK!!! It was supposed to be red...) is Ah Seng, followed by me, Zuhair, Thillaga and Mathew... Missing is team mascot (Err those who know... Shhhh... :P)
Ok, this all-star team was formed a while back when we were told to design a project or something to market to the general audience... (And also to boost our marks... Hopefully...) Anyway, long discussions, unpaid "belanja minum"s, weird videos and stuff like that, and we end up with... 好朋友!!! Ok let me go into detail about all the members personally...
AH SENG (Marketing)
The most relaxed and understanding group member, I find him to be a very interesting guy... The way he is, he can mix with practically anybody, and he can do jolly well whatever he wants or needs to... A jolly and jovial guy, when I was panicky about him wearing pink, he was going "aiyah nevermind laaa, pink oso red colour maaaa!!!" Indeed, a truly nice guy in actions and deeds... With his wise cracks and witty conversations, he captures the attention of members and audience alike... A force not to be reckoned with... With all my heart I believe that if he's pursuing a degree in medicine, he'll get it, all right! And he'll make a fine doctor too!!!
The most unique member of the group, he's a guy who lives and is led by the heart... Never afraid to voice out his views and opinions, he's quite a fun guy to hang out with... Kind of expressive in his own way, in no way is he hard to mix with others, be it other races, other religions and whatnot... His trademark "pink cap" wasn't worn in the picture nor the presentation, but it kind of makes him stand out in the crowd... Why pink? Well... Go ask him... A guy who tries his best when he has to and normally brings back great results... Both he and Ah Seng sit together and both of them show people what it's like to be ever joyful, never angry...
THILLAGA (Marketing)
Thillaga is, as it would seem, a perfectionist by nature... Usually hangs out with Mathew and a few others (or is it Mathew hanging out with her? Ah well...). Thillaga showed herself as a girl who selflessly went into research much earlier than us and was instrumental in listing out some of the potential products (I only pointed it out). I guess she was the one most worried about the presentation and our marks, and well... You do the math... A cheerful and bubbly girl most of the time, she can turn into a terror when angry with someone (like our mascot =O) She did a great job in taking our promotional video together with Mat n Hair... (Hey put on YouTube laaa :P)
A soft-spoken young gentlemen, this guy clearly put in alot of effort as well in organizing the slides for the R&D department... Champion blogger and hard-worker, he seems to be everywhere at once, always finding time to disappear and jalan-jalan as well as blog... Great guy... He has an interesting way of agreeing with other people, by saying "yalor!!!" in a manner that is hard to describe by words... Hmmm... Ask him to show u laaa... East-Malaysian, fun guy to be hanging around with... He seems to have a way with most people and is kind at heart... (I think laaa... :P) Will probably comment about me writing about him... :P
Yup, in short, that's about team 好朋友, friends, partners in the line of work and essentially good friends... Basically, they did a GREAT job!!! They put many many many hours of work into it and it went well!!! Makes me feel kinda like a lousy CEO, but oh well, what can i say? They are such a great crowd, such fun hanging around and working with, and they do soooooo well together!!! Well, if a group project arises, pick on them, you won't regret it!!! (Hey, I give you all promotion muz pay 1 ok?)
Alright, so yeah, that's about it and....
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Final Hurdle...
Friday, November 14, 2008
The jewels in my life...
This is dad, the best father anyone could ever have, the the father i would never change for a million kings... A man of great wisdom, he has in fact inspired me to do many things in life which i would never have enjoyed otherwise... His wisdom and patience in dealing with court cases, clients and matters in everyday life has never failed to leave me dumbfounded... How could a man know basically EVERYTHING and yet be so humble about it? He's the one who taught me to do the things i love doing, be it electrical, plumbing, debating, all the way to just fixing stuff... Although many times he's had a stressful day at work, he comes home and always greets his family with a smile... Work related stress? Aplenty... Yet, as his child, he's NEVER lashed out at me or any other family member solely because of stress... Dad has always been the one who knows what to do whenever we're in trouble and in need of anything... He's always there to bail us out when we get into trouble, and he knows exactly how much to show us and how much for us to figure out ourselves... Daddy's always the one to download sermons, yet never take it at face value, rather read through the bible to determine its' authenticity... Bottomline? My daddy, the best dad in the world, only one for me... I love him for who he is, what he has been, and who he ever will be, my DAD!!!
This is Girlie (sometimes also known as Amanda)... My little sister and youngest in the family... Won't change her for a million princesses... She brings joy into the family through her many subtle ways... People say we look very much alike... (must be because of the eyebrows^^) Yeah, she does very much control what we eat most of the time when we eat out, but there's no complain... Very understanding girl, she can be the most compassionate girl if needs be... Her newest addiction? RUBIX CUBE!!! Being a girl who always saves every sinlge cent given to her, she still finds pleasure in making the rest of her family members happy... NEVER has she forgotten a birthday or christmas present and she's ever willing to spend A LOT of her money to show her love for her family members... She actually takes the time to think of what present is most suitable for her koko or her niko (me!!!) and never stinges when it comes to giving. She would depend on me to teach her sejarah, and fro there i knew that her grasping of concepts is so extraordinary... She'll make it far in life... Her talent in music and her bubbly, cheerful nature makes having a sister even a joyful event!!! (sometimes... :-P) In short, she is my sis, the best sister in the world... I love her for who she is, who she was, and who she ever will be... My SISTER!!!
This lady, beside girlie, is MUMMY... The best mother in the world, the lady i wouldn't change for a million queens... Mummy's the most compassionate and understanding lady the world has ever known. Never would she withhold something that would bring joy to another family member. She's always the woman to show her love towards us, never fearing wether or not we are in public. Through this one lady, i understood the meaning of what it is to love and to give of our all to the ones we love. I guess mum is the one who in a sense, showed me what God's love could be like, and so did Dad... This is due to the fact that... If earthly parents could love us to such an extent, what more our Heavenly Father? Mom even set a rule that we should call her whenever we miss her, everyday... So to those who see me often calling someone on the phone? That would be mom :) Mummy has always been there when we need someone to complain to, someone to lend us her shoulder or someone to just dote on us... A mom who taught us not through words, but mostly through actions. Both mum and dad have one vitue which i pray one day i would achieve, they NEVER lie... Not about "later police come" or anything of the sort. I even had my mouth washed with soap once 'cause she said she'd do so if i lied again... Never fails to show love, discipline, faithfullness and everything good at the same time. Mummy, the best mother anyone could ever have, the only mother i would ever want... I love her for who she is, who she has been, and who she ever will be!!! Nothing will ever change that!!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Peom-Crafting 101
- How do you feel right now?
- What are the three biggest issues on your mind right now?
- What was the most faqntastic thing you ever witnessed?
- What are the five most important things in the world to you?
- What are your greatest fears?
- If you had one chance to send out a message to the entire world, what would that message be?
Monday, November 10, 2008
11-11-08... Thank God for friends, birthdays or otherwise...
Interesting night, or rather morning, I must say...
So long, Chemistry Lab!!!
Today was... Something different, in a sense...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
A special for the SPM people...
Psalm 23 (KJV)
1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
Yup, there it is!!! So here, you see? A passage from the bible, sure... But when i become down, upset or downright lonely, this psalm has kept me going through it all... I pray that it will do so for you too...
So GO GET 'EM!!! What's an exam to you? Just go ahead and do it!!! Do your best, God'll do the rest... The same goes for all people from all walks of life, just do your best in all that you do, and let God prosper you!!!
SPM goers? Don't worry, God bless you... Myself, together with the multitudes of brothers n sisters will be praying for you! Remember that!!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Ripples of Reflection...
Ripples of Reflection…
Look into the puddle,
What now dost I see?
A boy, or just rubble?
A male, could it be?
A chap, painted faces,
A man, well dressed be,
Yet in secret places,
Confound it! Who’s he?
Had man’s word by oath
And by honour convene,
The ripples of youth
Be’st no longer spleen,
Stand myriads of youth
By no colour of skin.
No, rather by truth
As a people they win.
Or is time an ocean,
An end never see?
Look forth now at motion
‘Twas watches not be?
Or speed or now distance,
True being it hides,
When bound’ries break here hence,
Still, be now demise.
Oh ripples like mirrors
What mean thou to me?
From cheerers to weepers,
Dost all come from thee?
Oh Heaven be open
Let rain down on me!
Let gashes be plaster,
That through thee, I see…
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Interesting, and so it begins...
I personally find every minor thing in life, and maybe even more than that as such...
Ladies And Gentlemen!!! Welcome to my blog, that of life and love, family, friends, people around me, things around me, and basically everything I see or do.
To people don't who know me, welcome. I sure hope you'll gain something from the few minutes you take to glance through my blog. To those that do, thanks for bothering to come read my blog...
OK, so what's the master-plan? Through past experiences, I know that until and unless I come out with a plan, this "blog" thingy will never kick off... Alrighty, so here we go...
1) I'll try and operate a blog which captures what I see, hear and feel throughout my days here.
Aim - To capture these memories of mine and keep them safe on the net, since i'm too lazy to jot these down into a book... =P
2) I'll try to introduce my friends one by one throughout the blog, coz people who know me better know that... I'm terrible at names... :(
Aim - to just give an acknowledgement to the guys and gals who spice up my life, make things interesting...
3) There may be some self-written works which I publish online... These might range from bad all the way to good (hopefully) and would just be "spur-of-the-moment" ideas which I want to keep somewhere, and maybe share with those who are interested...
*Positive and constructive critism is accepted (like constructive interference, Physics guys...) but... Degrading ones? Please, save it for yourself? Thanks!!!*
Aim - Just to place my works for future references...
Yup, that's basically my plan, oh and thanks again for reading... God bless!!!