Thursday, August 5, 2010

In a Perfect World...

Happy 100th post, blogger my friend =)

In a Perfect World

In a perfect world,
People won't see the colour of the skin...
But rather, the moisture that flows within...

In a perfect world,
There won't be darkness in every heart...
But love, and honour, like beautiful art...

In a perfect world,
Others we'd see before ourself...
The art of giving, not taking, we'd delve...

In a perfect world,
Swearing, cussing we wouldn't see...
Man, I think we'd all have a great vocabulary...

In a perfect world,
There'd be no tears...
But man, there'll be rejoicing! And partying that'll be fierce...

In a perfect world,
There shan't be begging in the streets...
But manna for all, or even some sweets...

In a perfect world,
They'd all do what they all love...
And when the day's done, thank their Father above...

In a perfect world,
They'd all know where they should go...
And all those smiles, hey, that would show...

In a perfect world,
Doubtless would all people see...
And say "this's where i'm meant to be"...

In a perfect world,
"There'll only just be you and me"...
Well, that's just a corny line, you see?
So nah, that just ain't gonna be...

In a perfect world,
Wars, droughts, they ain't gonna happen...
Why? Coz they just ain't got a reason...

In a perfect world,
There won't be a lie about what we fear...
Both sides of a story we'd ACTUALLY hear...

In a perfect world,
I wouldn't be


Lilian said...

Wow!! Woot...nice poem =) and meaningful too

Malcolm said...

Hahahaha lolz xD

Thanks Lilian! (Surprised you even still READ my blog lolz) xD
