Monday, August 16, 2010

Has Anybody Ever Thought of How Disgusting It Is?

The most filthy thing in the world...
The carrier of the worst diseases...
Yet so many are enslaved by it...
They demand it, they worship it...

So many live their whole lives craving more of it...
How many have given up families,
Given up their health,
Given up all they ever really owned for it?

The ones who own it "succeed"...
The ones who don't, are either "backwater" or "failures"...
People kill for it,
Or they steal for it...


But is it worth that much?

'Cause at the end of the day,
As they lie in their bed,
Most say...
"I wish I bothered more about other stuff than...



P/S: Then again, the very last bed they sleep in, the tomb that they're buried in... I guess that calls for abit of cash too, don't it?
Then I guess money does rule our lives =D (And our deaths too!)

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