Thursday, November 25, 2010

Oh Lord...

Why does the sun seem to fade?
Why does the world seem to grow silent?
Where have the noises of the world gone?
And why, why has silence seemed to weigh so heavily on my shoulders?

Whencefrom comes the dew of paradise,
The drops that drench my coat?
That seem to fill my back with burdens,
And remind me of the weak one I am?

When order and chaos meet,
And disorder gains the upper hand,
The question I ask myself...
Is why in the world does rain now make me think of this?

Oh Lord, I am stressed...
I must say I miss snow...
I miss the simple reminder of Your love...


You know I don't want to be testing You...
But please Lord, can You please spare me a pat on my back?
A touch from You...
It's all I need to move on...

I thank You Lord for all I have,
And I thank You for what I will...

You know I love You,
And I thank You because You will speak to me in the next couple of minutes...
Thanks Abba!

Your son whom You love.


Sarah.... said...

Hey Malcolm, you sound pretty stressed here. This post reminds me of how I always feel at this point of the semester: the loneliness that comes with being away from home, the stress of final exams, the struggle to walk closely with God, the depressing weather that the in-between state of no sun but no snow brings, bad cafeteria food and no mamak stalls, those crazy Americans/Canadians (!!),and well, just the craziness of having to hold it all together. I'm not sure what you're going through, but stay strong, and hang in there. I'll be keeping you in my prayers. If you ever need someone to talk to at odd hours when everyone in Malaysia is asleep because of the time difference, I'm here, and you can always facebook or email me. Take care, Malcolm!

Malcolm said...

Hey Sarah!
Thanks soooo much! =)
*Update* I was really upset that night over issues that were happening, but in the end, God's love is just crazy and... I totally did not deserve it...
Here's what happened... Well, so it was clear that I tested God and asked for snow... And guess what happened? I went to bed, my alarm clock died on me, but I kinda woke up with the feeling like someone was tugging me... And when I looked outside, sure enough...
It was the first snowfall of the year for me =)

Thank you Sarah =) Be sure that you're always in my prayers too! =D

