Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A dedication to you, or you, or you, or you... You know who you are =)


God never said it's gonna be easy...
But He never meant it to be hard until it kills ya...

God never said it's gonna be simple...
But He said He'll walk beside you all the way, and carry you when you can't take it...

God never said it's always gonna be a bed of roses...
But He knows what flowers are the best for you and what the future holds...

God never said that the path you would have to go through would be straight and simple...
But He lights up your paths before you and He knows which path would be best for you anyway...

God never said following Him would be easy...
But He said that if you follow Him, He'd make you "fishers of man"...

And we always wish for happy endings...
But we always cry when we see that not coming to pass...
And we go "Why, God?"
But He knows the best for us...
And He cares, for ALL those involved anyway...

Trust Him...
If He leads you to this, He'll lead you through this...
I can't tell you exactly what to do, but remember that He loves you anyway...
And He knows exactly how you actually feel...

Remain faithful to God, but don't neglect others because of worry anyway...
He wouldn't want you to worry...
And He understands...

So, Trust Him...



Anonymous said...

Indeed, He knows best. Couldn't agree more.

I am a life too. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I am a life too. said...

Philosophical, broad and ardent. :>

Malcolm said...

ibnuazlan : Thanks bro =) Indeed, trust God... He knows best =)

Ding Ze Hao : Thanks!!! xD


yTze said...

I'm sure it brought comfort to the people it was dedicated to =)

Praise the Lord for malcolm!

Unknown said...

Nice Malcolm..:) That's very nice of you=p

Malcolm said...

yTze : Yes, I sure do hope so =) No, praise the Lord for friends which inspire Malcolm to want to comfort others xD

Farihin Asnur : FARIHIIIIIINNNNNNN!!!! I miss youuuuuu!!! xD Lolz!!! Mane ko? Long time no seeeeeeeeeeee!!! xD
P/S: Thanks!!! and thanks for visiting xD


Unknown said...

haha. I MISS YOU TOOO!!! hahaha.

I kat mane? kat rumah la..XD haha
Kan dah jumpe last Tuesday. Waha, Malcolm kelakar...=p

Oh, its a SUPER DUPER PLEASURE to visit ur blog=p

Malcolm said...

LOLZ!!! Malcolm da blur da xD

Yup yup yup, it's an even greater pleasure having you around =)


everjihad said...

rasa familiar jekk all those phrases..


long time dun see malcolm..

eh..haritu tak nampak pun u kat pre-dep? hmm..

Malcolm said...

everjihad : Hello!!! =) Eh ade laaaa... Ari tu i tak pakai blazer xD Diorng x jumpe blazer i... Hahahaha... How are you doing? Good? I sure hope so =)

Peace!!! =)
